Set during the largely unexplored period immediately following World War II, the film follows a group of mostly Jewish Parisians who attempt to...
Almost Peaceful
In a time and place indeterminate a bandit has kidnapped Rixo Lomadis Bron’s daughter. Bron is a wealthy landowner who reigns over the...
Time Has Come
La Fuite de monsieur Monde
Two young pretty Parisiennes sell their place and leave behind the capital and its pollutions to live a healthy and bucolic life in a small village...
The Cold Soup
Following over two dozen different people in the almost wordless atmosphere of a dark night in a Brussels town, Akerman examines acceptance and...
Toute une nuit
In the aristocratic society of the seventeenth century, the fate of Marianne child who survived the deadly attack on a convoy.
La Vie de Marianne
A staging of Jean Racine's play "Bérénice" by Jean-Louis Martinelli.