The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975...
In 1958, while revolution is rumbling in Beirut, three sisters spend their holidays in an isolated village of Lebanese mountains: rebellious Nada,...
Mother Valley
Yalla 3abelkon Chabeb shows us through the eyes of men how hard nowadays it is to have a proper relationship, based on love respect, principles and...
Yalla 3a2belkon Chabeb
After an emotional exchange between a Lebanese Christian and a Palestinian refugee escalates, the men end up in a court case that gets national...
The Insult
Ziyad and Maryam are a happy young couple in Lebanon, yet after three years of marriage they remain childless. Due to intense family pressure, they...
When Maryam Spoke Out
Living in Beirut, a highly enthusiastic filmmaker is in a state of hyper inspiration characterized by an overfiow of contrasting ideas. As a...
State of Agitation