While trying to escape from her abusive boyfriend, Ágnes comes across a bridge where a stranger’s life is at risk. As their struggle...
Guy at the Bridge
Set on a lazy, lukewarm summer afternoon, the story of a young but jaded Feri and a disintegrating group of friends in a lakeside holiday village.
The Bath
Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the...
Poor Things
A couple of thirtysomething best friends unwittingly become entangled in an international conspiracy when one’s ex-boyfriend shows up at their...
The Spy Who Dumped Me
Misi (16) and Áron (18) are half brothers, who are raised by their mother, but they could not be more different. Both boys are good at...
The 8-year-old Dani is feeling devastated, lines up all his superpowers to fight for his older sister’s attention during their holiday stay at...
Orsi és Tenshinhan
A troupe of ballerinas find themselves fighting for survival as they attempt to escape from a remote inn after their bus breaks down on the way to a...
Ballerina Overdrive