In this reimagining of Alexandre Dumas's classic novel, the musketeer Aramis is secretly a woman in disguise, drawn to the elite corps after exacting...
The Three Musketeers: Adventure of Aramis
Researcher Mutsugoro takes his family to a remote and uninhabited island near Hokkaido, to study the local population of wild bears. Nearby poachers...
Donbe's Story
The epic conclusion to the Ideon saga, featuring what was meant to be the final 5 episodes of the TV series. The Solo Ship and its crew continue...
Space Runaway Ideon: Be Invoked
The movie starts out with Katsuhiko going to the US, with Kasumi and Yusaku seeing him off at Narita. Two years later, Katsuhiko is a professional...
Sunlight All Around! Ka - su - mi: You Were in My Dreams