The crew of an experimental underwater nuclear base are forced to struggle for their lives when their explorations disturb a creature who threatens...
DeepStar Six
This animated take on Oliver Twist re-imagines Oliver as an adorable orphaned kitten who struggles to survive in New York City and falls in with a...
Oliver & Company
Think of it as Willard in the hood, the debut feature from director Leslie Small finds a Isaiah Washington playing a kindly man who turns maniacal...
Hood Rat
A celebration of NBC's 75 year history, featuring clips of special moments.
NBC 75th Anniversary Special
A debt-ridden divorced mother and factory worker strives to get a higher-paying job on the traditionally all-male main assembly line.
The $5.20 an Hour Dream
During his long career, bounty hunter Ralph "Papa" Thorson has caught over 5,000 criminals. Now, while he is working on apprehending fugitives in...
The Hunter
People always told Santos he was something special. His Uncle told him to get a skill, so he became a hustler and with his three,they became "The...
The Stick Up Kids
A more than slightly incompetent private eye inherits five doberman pinschers. The dogs at first create havoc with Alex's home and personal life, but...
Alex and the Doberman Gang
Otis Cooke is a DJ with a late-night American soul music programme in Liverpool. His favorite band, The Tallahassees, disbanded years ago, but their...
Soul Survivors
A massive blackout plunges a major American city into a night of terror.
The Night the City Screamed
A prostitute and a skier who have been "brought back" from the brink of death relate their experiences to a skeptical doctor, who begins to believe...
Beyond Death's Door
Recently divorced Nina Taylorson (Wilson) and her young son Mason move to a small Georgia town to start a new life. Mason befriends Gaitus Stevens...
Kudzu Christmas
Prudence Crandall establishes herself in Cantenbury, and starts a girls-school. When Eliza Harris, a black girl, wants to take lessons at this...
She Stood Alone
After Rocky goes the distance with champ Apollo Creed, both try to put the fight behind them and move on. Rocky settles down with Adrian but can't...
Rocky II
Memories from the past stifle a family's hopes for the future as three generations of men strive to move forward and break life's vicious cycle of...
Things Not Forgotten