Tired of abusive relationships, best friends CoaCoa, Sha and Meeka embark on a plan to seduce and rob wealthy men. When their betrayals backfire, the...
Durdy Game
Set in the early 2000's when hip hop video's meant something. Sean Wellington, a neurotic music video director who was just given the opportunity of...
A Talent For Trouble
The film follows three young men as they are drawn into lives of crime. Nick (Crowley) uses his entry-level corporate job to commit credit card fraud...
Sucker Free City
Far from Chicago, hairdresser Gina Norris has relocated to Atlanta with her daughter and has quickly established herself as a rare talent in her...
Beauty Shop
Two girls at a Historically Black College are strapped for cash to pay their senior year's tuition. In a pinch, they take their pool-hustling skills...
Up Against the 8 Ball
The story of Jody, a misguided, 20-year-old African-American who is really just a baby boy finally forced-kicking and screaming to face the...
Baby Boy