The Invisible Other is a documentary film that explores the presence of caste in films and film production in Tamil cinema, especially since the...
The Invisible Other: Caste in Tamil Cinema
Yung Mung Sung is an upcoming Tamil comedy drama film written and directed by M. S. Arjun. Prabhu Deva features in the leading role, while Lakshmi...
Yung Mung Sung
Three friends who are alumni of a dilapidated school join hands to save it from demolition. While gathering support, they revisit old memories which...
A school teacher in Chidambaram who is a jack of all trades but master of none. He spends time with friends boozing, gambling and trying out new...
Chidambarathil Oru Appasamy
An upcoming director wants to concentrate on the script that he is working on and wants to make a name. But he never gets any peace because he lives...