In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operations Battalion) is assigned to eliminate...
Elite Squad
The life of Renato Russo, from his first involvement with music, to his years in the punk rock band Aborto Alétrico, to the formation of...
We're So Young
The story of Francisco, a very simple and poor man whose dream was to see his children become country music stars, and who made all the efforts to...
Two Sons of Francisco
A disillusioned psychologist tries to commit suicide until he strikes up a friendship with an unlikely saviour who teaches him a new way of living.
The Dreamseller
The Devil himself comes to Earth to open his own church and the world becomes a pandemonium of delights and confusions. Based on a short story by...
A Comédia Divina
The singer Dalva de Oliveira and the composer Herivelto Martins lived intensely on the stage and in life. The 13 years of marriage and the...
Luz, Câmera, 50 Anos: Dalva e Herivelto, Uma Canção de Amor - O Filme