In the peaceful world of Little Nicholas, there is Daddy, Mommy, the school, but above all, his band of friends. They are called The Invincibles, but...
Little Nicholas' Treasure
Since the rooster died, Jasper's only surviving hen has been depressed. Forced to come down from his mountain where he lives far from everything, the...
My Girl
An epic, untold story that brings to life the inspiring saga of the World Cup and the three determined men who created it. Driven by their vision and...
United Passions
Serial killer Guy Georges' hunt by a female captain who created a DNA database that revolutionized the police methods.
Flic tout simplement
Cindy and Quentin are spending a romantic week-end by a lake. But a killer is prowling and he could hide a greater threat.
The Killer in Cursed Water
April 20, 2017 - Avenue des Champs-Elysées. During an attack, police officer Xavier, among his injured fellow-officers, was shot dead. There...