This remake of the beloved classic follows the raucous exploits of a blended family of 12, the Bakers, as they navigate a hectic home life while...
Cheaper by the Dozen
While, dealing with the aftermath of infertility and loss, a married couple, decide to go their separate ways, but they quickly learn a higher power,...
The Final Say
Diana Malone decides to look for love based on Zodiac astrology compatibility.
Zodiac Sign
The author of a self-help book on how to find the perfect husband is determined to find eligible mates for her five single daughters.
Pride & Prejudice: Atlanta
A Christmas-hating author is taken by fate on a ride outside of his comfort zone and back to a place where he will face his fears, find his fate, and...
Everyday But Christmas
The seemingly random killings of an assassin puzzle her former lover, a wealthy Greek crime boss whose organization is jeopardized by his love for...
The story revolves around Chef Cleavon 'Von' Burkett, a former ladies' man who was living the good life with a beautiful wife until one day he...
72 Hours
A woman is faced with a choice to fight for her life or sacrifice it for another. After years of infertility, a newly-expectant mother is diagnosed...
Her Only Choice
"Severed Ties" follows the trail of four lives after one of them commits murder to satisfy his sado/masochistic fetish. Brian Charles and his...
Severed Ties
When a confident college professor is courted by four eligible and well-established men, she struggles to decide who she likes the best.
Professor Mack
To survive harsh economic times, Calvin and Angie have merged the barbershop and beauty salon into one business. The days of male bonding are gone as...
Barbershop: The Next Cut
Calvin and his friends, who all live in an orphanage, find old shoes with the faded letters MJ connected to a powerline. One stormy night, they go to...
Like Mike
A struggling waitress, straddling the edge of drug addiction, gets a reality call when the daughter that she gave up at birth reappears.
The Fix