A new type of American horror story tells six tales of terror featuring homicidal maniacs, mud monsters, the Milo Man, a Creature in the woods, and...
American Terror Tales
A small town sports writer is forced to square off against a meathook-wielding psycho Killer. She combines forces with her father and the local...
Meathook Massacre: Next Generation
Four horror stories filled with Creatures, Critters and other Creepy things sure to chill your bones!
Book of Creatures
Mutated, flying Sharks wreak havoc along the beach during an annual Volleyball tournament.
Apex Predators 2: The Spawning
Mothman Vs Bigfoot
A female Psychic manifests a Monster in her closet that helps unlock the key to her childhood trauma.
Closet Monster
An obsessed fan goes on a little Meathook Massacre Mayhem of their own after binge watching the entire series.
Meathook Massacre: Mayhem
A genetically mutated ape escapes from a top secret facility and wreaks havoc in Hollywood.
Mega Ape