A movie based on real wartime diaries tells the story of the Swedish speaking Finns' infantry regiment 61. The story follows the regiment during the...
Beyond the Front Line
A once best-selling crime fiction author has lost his creative touch. While working on the latest novel he is confronted by the protagonist in the...
Eelis is skipping classes, mom and dad are on the verge of divorce, sister has yet another boyfriend. The life of a little boy is in its turning...
After a young woman and her parents are murdered by a killer determined to wipe out the entire family, Detective Inspector Joona Linna works with a...
The Hypnotist
A hauntingly beautiful and unusual coming-of-age tale. Set in 1890, Iris's artist mother leaves Stockholm for the summer and sends her 9-year old...
Simon Lindström, the popular coach of a suburban junior hockey team is found stabbed to death. Does the murder have something to do with his...
Beck 36 - The Thin Ice
The brilliant young physicist Henrik and his fellow students develop a fusion reactor that produces endless clean energy, potentially saving Earth...
After Us, the Flood
A young student reports her mother missing. The next day, the mother's body is found buried in the sand close to the family's house.
Wallander: The Betrayal
Maja and Janne move to the barren and remote island of Stormskerry, where survival is a daily struggle. Growing up in a world of old values, Maja...
Stormskerry Maja
A black comedy about the dysfunctional relationships, love, and hate; concerning a small town sausage factory manager whose careless love affairs...
Flowers and Binding
Visa Vuorio, a 35-year old team leader at the Helsinki city gardening department, is suffering from a terminal neurological disease and only has a...
One Foot Under
Johan Falk's stepdaughter Nina has gotten in contact with her biological father, Orjan, discovering that he is in debt to an Estonian construction...
Johan Falk: Organizatsija Karayan
One rainy night, a lonely man, our hero, is sitting alone in a dark room and wondering about his mysterious job concerning a woman.
Dead Serious
Superhero movie about a man who can control soundwaves.
Georg (age 70) and Lydia (age 30) are in two completely different stages in life when they meet.
Georg & Lydia
11-year-old Onni is struck with the idea that his parents aren't his biological parents.
Onni von Sopanen
Katri and Janne want to make a trip, which none of their friends have made. They end up in Jakomäki.
Jill and Joy (both 9) live in their own house like any other little girls, except that they might be a little happier than most little girls, as they...
Jill and Joy's Winter
The true story of negotiations between implacable enemies — the secret back-channel talks, unlikely friendships and quiet heroics of a small...
Winter 1975 - author Jeanette Aspen arrives at Lapinlahti Mental Hospital to meet her only child, psychiatrist Karin Aspen, 36 years after sending...
Hospital - Daughter's Mother