Filmed in part in front of a live audience at The New Amsterdam Theater in New York City, this Stan Lee tribute takes viewers on an action-packed...
Celebrating Marvel's Stan Lee
After being murdered by corrupt colleagues in a covert government agency, Al Simmons makes a pact with the devil to be resurrected to see his beloved...
Stan Lee interviews Todd McFarlane
The Comic Book Greats: Todd McFarlane
Rob Liefeld and Todd McFarlane create a new character.
The Comic Book Greats: Rob Liefeld and Todd McFarlane
Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld, Jim Lee and Whilce Portacio show Stan Lee how to create a comic book.
The Comic Book Greats: How to Create a Comic Book
Compendium of Greatest Moments with artists from Comic Book Greats Series
The Comic Book Greats: Compendium
Twenty years ago, seven superstar artists left Marvel Comics to create their own company, Image Comics, a company that continues to influence...
The Image Revolution
A short documentary on Japanese animation featured on the DVD for The Animatrix (2003).
Scrolls to Screen: A Brief History of Anime
A film about the life and career of the famed Canadian comic book talent.
The Devil You Know: Inside the Mind of Todd McFarlane
In celebration of the publisher's 75th anniversary, the hour-long special will take a detailed look at the company's journey from fledgling comics...
Marvel: 75 Years, from Pulp to Pop!
A short documentary celebrating the tenth year of The Walking Dead. Features the creators of the comics and tv show discussing the cultural...
The Walking Dead: A Decade of Dead
At 89 years old, Stan Lee's name appears on more than one BILLION comics in 75 countries in 25 languages. Arguably the most recognized name in...
With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story
A full-length documentary that follows the history of Captain America from 1941 to present and explores how “Cap” has been a reflection...
Marvel's Captain America: 75 Heroic Years
This feature documentary is an origin story about the beloved 90s-era graphic novel Kingdom Come, going behind the scenes and inside the mind of its...
The Legend of Kingdom Come
Everyone thinks that Bob Kane created Batman, but that’s not the whole truth. One author makes it his crusade to make it known that Bill...
Batman & Bill
The mythology behind Spider-Man
Spider-Man: The Mythology of the 21st Century
The creator of Spawn, Todd McFarlane, talks about how the film 'Spawn' (1997) compares to his comic book creation.
Todd McFarlane: Chapter & Verse
Documentary on the making of the 1997 film 'Spawn.'
The Making of 'Spawn'
From record-breaking artist to adult collectible tycoon, the documentary provides an exclusive in-depth view behind the creative mastermind of Spawn...
Todd McFarlane: Like Hell I Won't