In an urban Indian city, A struggling actor battles for his career, but his friend who loses money in a scam deal commits an action that puts both of...
Karma Cartel
When his family gets killed by corrupt business tycoon, Soorya (Prithviraj) decides to take revenge, all by himself
Comrade Krishna Kumar wants to make it big in politics but lacks the ideals a sakhavu should possess. He is ruthless enough to even get rid of...
Aadhi, an aspiring musician, travels to another state in hopes of making it big. While there, an unexpected event leaves him trapped, unable to...
A group of six guys and three girls who meet in college become thick friends and eventually take their friendship beyond the classroom and the...
When forces within and beyond this world conspire to snatch his son away, a father resolves to do whatever it takes to protect him.
A dynamic young entrepreneur finds herself locked in a hotel room with the corpse of her dead lover. She hires a prestigious lawyer to defend her and...