Katsumi, a man who lives a lazy and uninspired life, suddenly becomes addicted to "peeping" to uncover the true identity of his unknown neighbors in...
Scan Doll
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2004 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Koroshiya desu no yo (It's a Hitman, You Know) -...
Tales of the Bizarre: 2004 Spring Special
Shonosuke Furukehashi (Hiroshi Tamaki) is a young samurai and the second son of Sozaemon (Bunchin Katsura) of Togane Domain, Kazusa Province....
Sakura Housara
Kuramochi Bon works at a fast food burger joint, taking out the garbage. All his life he has been told he is ugly, and has never even held hands with...
Cinderella ni Naritai
Police struggle to uncover Klein, a powerful criminal organization. Asuka, a young detective, is assigned to contact and escort Hatsumi, a mistress...
The Battling Angel
Muroi, who retired from the police early, took in the children affected by the incident and moved to Tohoku. Although he was told cold words from...
Muroi Shinji: Not Defeated