The film revolves around a young woman named Nha Trang with both beauty and success, she went to live in a rural outlying hoping to avoid the noise...
Milestones 23
The story happened in the early 90s, Mrs. Ngoc returned to her hometown to sell her father's old house with her brother, Mr. Nga. In the first days...
This House Is Not For Sale
As a hugely invested 3D film in the Tet season, Strange Green Forest tells the adventure of Tarzan Vietnam played by Meritorious Artist Hoai Linh,...
Rừng Xanh Kỳ Lạ Truyện
Trung is a prisoner, guilty for robbery and murder. On the way to a new camp, he plots to escape. He robbed a gun to escape before the police chase....
Paradise In Heart
In the dark waters of the Mekong River, corpse collector Le confronts MA DA - the vengeful drowning spirit, after it abducts her daughter. Determined...
Ma Da: The Drowning Spirit
Mrs. Dai, a 70-year old grandmother, suddenly finds that she has been transformed into her 20-year old self. Her old fashioned sense of style and...
Sweet 20
Broke and anxious, two sibling bus drivers take a wealthy customer to the countryside for Tet when four fuzzy passengers suddenly join the ride.
Going Home for Tet
The story begins after Trang recovers from a car accident coma and loses her memory. She starts seeing a ghost of a lady with blood-filled eyes...
The Eyes
Diary of Child Master's Adventure
Together with her neighbor, a woman accused of murder tries to prove her innocence.
The Instrument of Murder
Following the success of two feature films adapted from Nguyễn Nhật Ánh's renowned works, another standout masterpiece by...
The Prism Of Youth: Blame It On The Ghost
Nhà Gia Tiên follows Gia Minh (Huỳnh Lập) and Mỹ Tiên (Phương Mỹ Chi), two siblings from...
The Ancestral Home