Set in the frozen steppes of Mongolia, a young nomad is confronted with his destiny after animals fall victim to a plague which threatens to...
Tulgaa returns to his native village to care for his dying stepfather, honouring his remaining commitments by offering to lend a hand with the summer...
Harvest Moon
In Mongolia. After the death of the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, monks are looking for a replacement. A little boy, Monchetenger, would like to...
An Unfortunate Fortune
The work reflects the historical life of the great general D. Sukhbaatar, who started participating in the People's Revolution.
The Rays of the Rising Sun: Episode 1
The Rays of the Rising Sun: Episode 2
In this film, which will show a critical and complicated period of women who are sentenced in a prison through three different encounters of fate, it...
Jail Mate
In an attempt to move on from the death of Paul, the love of her life, Korine leaves Paris to undertake a project in Mongolia. But after meeting the...
A Bigger World
This film shows how Damdin's son and his peers live the poor and difficult life of Mongolia at that time.
Before Dawn
A household drama about the change in people's consciousness during the collectivization movement and the relationship between state and state...
An elderly mother who lost her beautiful young daughter, a man who lost his spouse, two little boys who miss their godly mother, a cold-hearted...
Heavens My Son
Everyone has different fears: dogs, darkness, water, fire, ghosts, aging, and more.. But why is it that so few people are afraid of greed?
The film begins with two thieves who have been burglarizing homes for years and are skilled at it. As they go home, unpack the stolen items and talk,...
Really Stupid