When a motley crew of strangers find themselves trapped in an isolated tavern, they must band together in a battle for survival against a family of...
Silver Lake
Ben, Gwen, and Max must stop an extraterrestrial who plans to open a gateway that leads to an alien invasion.
Ben 10: Race Against Time
A team of trained secret agent animals, guinea pigs Darwin, Hurley, Juarez, Blaster, mole Speckles, and fly Mooch takes on a mission for the US...
Former FBI Agent Will Graham, who was once almost killed by the savage Hannibal 'The Cannibal' Lecter, now has no choice but to face him again, as it...
Red Dragon
Admiral Frank Beardsley returns to New London to run the Coast Guard Academy, his last stop before a probable promotion to head the Guard. A widower...
Yours, Mine & Ours
John Anderton is a top 'Precrime' cop in the late-21st century, when technology can predict crimes before they're committed. But Anderton becomes the...
Minority Report
Intertwined tales of three families who grow up on the same street, focusing on the relationship of fathers and sons. The first section features...
Fathers and Sons
Upon moving into the run-down Spiderwick Estate with their mother, twin brothers Jared and Simon Grace, along with their sister Mallory, find...
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Morris Buttermaker is a burned-out minor league baseball player who loves to drink and can't keep his hands to himself. His long-suffering lawyer...
Bad News Bears