During the British rule in India, Arakeshwara, an air force soldier and son of a freedom fighter Amareshwara,due to unavoidable circumstances, kills...
Benki, is a fiery villager, loved by everyone, has a younger sister, Seetha, who means the world to him.When Benki tries to marry off his sister, who...
Sara, a model, is selected for an Asian Beauty Contest. The same night she has a party with friends and has a clash with the Minister's brother. To...
When greed takes over the minds of people in the slum, the stolen antique figurine, linked to Indian Mythology, comes to spotlight. What will happen...
Tootu Madike
Inspired from the true incidents occurred in Bengaluru - 1983, Kaiva brings the visual grandeur of Old Bengaluru showing the lights of world famous...
In the midst of the pandemic, a story of love, friendship, and betrayal unfolds in unexpected ways. As secrets unravel, a deadly game of survival...