When a struggling single mother falls for a wealthy heartbreaker, their risky romance could just turn their lives around — or tear their worlds...
Mrs. Dương and Mr. Thoại always strive to build an image of a successful and prestigious family in the eyes of others. However,...
The Price Of Happiness
"The Trophy Wife" is a comedy-drama about Tú Lạc (Uyển Ân), a pretentious young woman who fakes wealth and sophistication to...
The Trophy Bride
The story revolves around Mrs. Nu's family consisting of three generations living together in the same house. The one-handed Mrs. Nu is known for her...
The House of No Man
In 1967, as the Vietnam War raged, a Vietnamese revolutionary guerrilla team became the U.S. military's top target—charged with safeguarding a...
The fearsome quartet, including Chét-Xi-Cà, Dì Bốn, Cậu Mười Một, and Con Kiều, make their...
The 4 Rascals