An omnibus film consisting of ten parts, each directed by a different young director from the Latvian Academy of Culture. The unifying element of the...
Latavio, or Life Nr. 2
One night, Matiss Zelcs, an employee of the Latvian national archive in Riga, notices a woman on a bridge. After passing by her without preventing...
A tale about a nine-year old boy's relationship with the world around him, shot in one of Latvia's poorest and most beautiful regions - Latgale
Leaving by the way
Wedding rituals and a love triangle.
A young woman, Regina, has been killed in her apartment. Investigator Anderson holds Regina’s husband as a suspect for a murder because he is...
A short Christmas tale about happiness that might be passing right by you. And that's when you realise you've just missed. Who's fault is that? Is it...
Merry Christmas!