Five youngsters, who are on the verge of committing suicide, happen to encounter zombies in a forest and a girl who comes to their rescue. Will they...
Pallu Padama Paathuka
Clue: A Love Thriller
While partying with his friends on a night, a young man bumps into a beautiful young woman. What first looks like a one night stand soon turns into a...
A young cop, who works in a police control room, tries to solve the mysterious case of a kidnapped girl.
A diverse group is trapped in a quirky theatre and ends up discovering its mysterious secrets. As they attempt to escape, a strange twist leaves them...
Odavum Mudiyadhu Oliyavum Mudiyadhu
Prabakaran, an international hockey player who choose to leave the sport picks it up again only to save the ground of a local team.
Natpe Thunai
A man suffers from a condition where he laughs uncontrollably under stressful conditions and it causes a lot of trouble for him until he seeks a...
Naan Sirithal
A young engineering student along with his friends unravels the mystery around his college where several girls go missing and dead.
D Block