Renner follows a computer genius of the same name, as he looks to court his neighbor Jamie with the help of an AI he develops named Salenus —...
“Chopin” tells the story of Chopin Wu (played by Liu), who returns home to small-town America where he grew up to amend an estranged...
Freshman Neil's Vanguard stories are all he cares about...until he meets the older Julia, who pushes him to put his own fan fic online. When the...
A widowed mother on her first date in years, who arrives at an upscale restaurant where she is relieved that her date, Henry is more charming and...
Combining archival footage with rotoscopic animation, Tower reveals the action-packed untold stories of the witnesses, heroes and survivors of...
A harmless game of "Truth or Dare" among friends turns deadly when someone—or something—begins to punish those who tell a lie—or...
Truth or Dare
After the death of her mother, an estranged daughter struggles to save her brother, and those around her from a malevolent faceless spirit.