When a young, ambitious market researcher finds out her boss is involved in the leaking of a scandalous Prime Minister speech, she decides to...
The Cost of Deception
The story takes place in the early 1900s, between the characters of a middle-class love triangle. Cecile, the beautiful bride, rushes to her fiance...
Kék róka
In the early 1950s, a talented singer tries to defect to Italy with her football player lover, but is caught by an informant, so they have to pay...
The Singer
A galamb papné
István Sinka, known in the farm world of the Great Plains only as Black Burdock, is a decent, honest fellow. He stands out among his peers...
A fekete bojtár
Burnt Out office worker, Mark is approached by the desperate father of Dóra who is struggling with ongoing depression, in the hope that Mark's...
Special Treatment