Bruno lives at a home for the elderly and is in love with a co-resident named Dusa. Their love story is fragmented, as they tend to constantly forget...
A TV adaptation of the story “Twins” by Prezihov Voranc.
Dog's Path
A thief commits daring robberies (a la Raffles) in Slovenia during the 1920s. While he romances the ladies a persistent detective tries to hunt him...
To the Limit and Beyond
A group of trainee therapists come together for their regular group psychotherapy session, but when their normal routine is disrupted, events take an...
The city of Maribor before the Second World War, and Maribor after its liberation mark the period in which the film Cafe Astoria is set. The story...
Café Astoria
A Slovenian narrative film made out of the eponymous children's show.
The Little Ghost
A platonic romance between art student and nude model goes through many complications in which they both try to make one another jealous before...
Spring Wind
The movie based upon the classical Slovene novel Martin Kačur, depicts the clash between the teacher Martin Kačur and his conservative...
The Idealist