In The Dam, although it is an experimental film, Kristl eschews the necessary earnestness in addressing his subject. The manufactured, unambiguously...
The Dam
Kristl was a member of the prestigious Zagreb Studio of Animation and his early works as painter and filmmaker had brought him instant acclaim and...
Poor People
T. finds a letter. Instead of just dropping it in a mailbox, he decides, conscientious as he is, to deliver it personally. He wanders the entire...
The Letter
Short film about car racing.
Car Race
Interview film with the protagonists of the New German Cinema in 1966.
Neuer Deutscher Film Report
Kristl plays a prisoner who can smile only when he sees The General.
The General
Documentary about the current state of German cinema. Produced for German television.
...Geist und ein wenig Glück
Allegory of a man who leads the people to destruction and then is reborn to recommence the cycle.
The Pot