The film tells the story of the East Prussian landscape and its inhabitants. At one time Germans, Poles, Lithuanians and Jews lived here alongside...
Elder Blossom
Interview with Volker Koepp about his filmmaking practice conducted and directed by Christoph Hübner
Documentary filmmaking: Christoph Hübner talks with Volker Koepp
Documentary by Jan Sebening and Daniel Sponsel.
The Last Documentary
Meetings with readers, acquaintances and contemporaries of writer Uwe Johnson at the places where he lived. Volker Koepp, who is also from Pomerania,...
Leaving and Staying
Sammelsurium - Ein ostelbischer Kulturfilm
A group of men shoot their mouths off in a pub. Their animated talk is all action-packed yarns and, of course, about women.
Die Gilge - Eine Flussfahrt in Ostpreußen
Fremde Ufer
Following Landstück (2016), Volker Koepp's documentary Seestück is about the magical, natural setting of the Baltic Sea, its coasts and its...