Stranded in the heat of a barren African desert, eleven bus-passengers shelter in the remnants of an abandoned town. As rescue grows more remote by...
The King Is Alive
Directed by Jann Turner.
Paradise Stop
When the wife of a successful black businessman with roots in the struggle against apartheid is murdered by a young stranger who knows his name, he...
State of Violence
Follows the story of Seconds Khumalo, a retiring boxer from the East Rand preparing for his final fight. Seconds is left to train under Jerry van...
A 10-year-old South African orphan leaves his Zulu village to make his own life in the city... only to find no one will help him, except a formidable...
With issues of his own, an ex-army officer-turned-lawyer defends an impoverished young cowherd of killing a baby.
A Reasonable Man
Elelwani is a young university-educated woman who has been brought up in an environment steeped in tradition. Her parents have promised her hand in...
Charterston Township 1990. Professor Zamani is respected in the township. To be sure, he once raped one of his students but the community turned a...
A South-African preacher goes to search for his wayward son who has committed a crime in the big city.
Cry, the Beloved Country
Somewhere in a remote part of South Africa a heinous crime is committed. Against the backdrop of xenophobic riots that have swept across the country,...
A Small Town Called Descent
How Winnie Mandela went from innocent country girl to a fighter against apartheid.
Mrs Mandela
The inspiring true story of Seretse Khama, the King of Bechuanaland (modern Botswana), and Ruth Williams, the London office worker he married in 1948...
A United Kingdom
This controversial political thriller, which provoked mass demonstrations and nine deaths in South Africa when it was first shown, gives dramatic...
In a Time of Violence: The Line
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local...
A UK-based military officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya discovers the targets are planning a suicide...
Eye in the Sky
Kini and Adams are two friends leaving in a Zimbabwe village who dream of repairing an old broken car, and moving to the city and starting life over.
Kini & Adams
A young lady baby sits for a mysterious woman and wakes up in a hospital with vivid memories of an occurrence she can't prove happened. It's left to...