The story of a man who after the death of his wife begins to show signs of Alzheimer's disease. The film illustrates how each family member reacts to...
Desandando la vida
It’s a somewhat alternate near future... Puerto Rico is losing confidence in its political parties that for years took over loyal fanatics. The...
Interconnects the life of four Puerto Rican actors and a Colombian director while they participate in a Theater Improvisation Festival. They will be...
Il Viaggio
The story of two adolescents whose love is threatened by the violence they live in their school.
Barrio Obrero
Emilio is a normal teenager who somehow finds himself being sent to the principal's office every other week. He has a crush on Jacklynne, the most...
Casi casi
A scientist in the rain forest squares off against a land developer while trying to solve some unexplained deaths.
Paradise Lost
Recreates a kind of reality show that occurs when ambitious director Marco convenes a group of actors for 10 days. During this period, each of the...
Actores trabajando