Seeking a fresh and innovative experience, Franklin ventures into a novel approach to comic book reading—animated comics. To bring this idea to...
Cine Gibi: O Filme
“Nós, Voz, Eles” is a project by Brazilian singer-songwriter Sandy, which consists of duets with Brazilian musical artists in a...
Sandy: Nós, Voz, Eles - Ao Vivo
Kira is a botanist with magical abilities, though the origins of her powers remain unknown to her. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her friend...
Xuxa and the Elves
A new school year begins; students are invited to the first music competition, but only one band can win.
High School Musical: The Challenge
Franjinha, the inventor kid in Monica's gang, tired of reading the comics, invents a new device to read the stories: a kind of a story-processor,...
Cine Gibi Collection
DNA Tour is the second live album and DVD of Brazilian pop singer Wanessa Camargo, released on April 30, 2013. On November 15, 2012, the singer...
Wanessa: DNA Tour
Transparente Ao Vivo is the first live album of Brazilian pop singer Wanessa Camargo, released in 2004 by BMG. There were only four unreleased songs,...
Wanessa Camargo: Transparente Ao Vivo
"Axemusic" is the third live album and DVD in the career of Brazilian singer and songwriter Claudia Leitte. The album was released in CD and DVD...
Claudia Leitte: Axémusic