Clifton Webb as a strict, conservative father heads the cast of this 1959 comedy, about an American family vacationing in South America. Directed by...
Holiday for Lovers
A 17-year-old high-school senior marries a 20-something law student who works as a waiter. Who said marriage was bliss?
The Diary of a High School Bride
Chip is killed accidentally while trying to rape a blonde girl, who runs. Silver becomes the number one suspect even though she has an alibi, but due...
Girls Town
Johnny Broderick, arson squad investigator, and his assistant, Ben Howard,, investigate a warehouse fire and find evidence of arson. Lawyer William...
Arson for Hire
Three teens get into the drug business when they discover two pounds of uncut heroin in a briefcase that was lost during a botched drug bust.
Stakeout on Dope Street
Framed by her stepmother for manslaughter, a convict turns to a parole racket.
The Wayward Girl
A couple wash up on an uncharted island where Nazi experiments are going on.
She Demons