Lewis, a brilliant young inventor, is keen on creating a time machine to find his mother, who abandoned him in an orphanage. Things take a turn when...
Meet the Robinsons
Lovesick Charlie Brown hopes – still – to get a valentine from the Little Red-Haired Girl, as does Sally from Linus, Lucy from Schroeder...
A Charlie Brown Valentine
A stranger tries to help twin brothers who play for a winless soccer team.
Just 4 Kicks
Tis the season for the cheer and charm of the Peanuts kids - and this delight special offers five segments full of unforgettable moments. Snoopy...
Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales
Angst-ridden Charlie Brown attempts to motivate his team, while Lucy in right field nettles poor Chuck into a nervous wreck. With their losses...
Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown