A comedy written and Narrated by Jean Shepherd. The story involves several different events such as Ralph's first serious romance with his new...
The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski (a Tale of Gothic Love)
An adult Ralphie Parker narrates several humorous stories about his teen years in an Indiana steel town.
The Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters
Two slave brothers, one black, one an albino, discover a treasure map which is taken from them by their foreman. They take it back but are pursued by...
Catch the Black Sunshine
At night the Mangler stalks the streets of Los Angeles, killing and mutilating random victims. On the trail are a TV reporter, the father of one of...
The Dark
This comedy/drama was written by Jean Shepherd, who appears at the beginning and the end and narrates it through voiceover. It tells the story of...
The Phantom of the Open Hearth