An assassin, going rogue, kills an accomplice without his partner's knowledge. Meanwhile, two sisters, fueled by a burning desire for justice for...
Useful Idiots
A city is populated by several clans of gangsters running various businesses in black markets. Each clan wants to be the absolute ruler, but under...
Game Changer
A bloodthirsty princess is chasing after the last member of the Indigo tribe. She's searching for a magic elixir that's in his heart and will grant...
House of the Unholy
When professional gamer Hana, who suffers from acute agoraphobia, receives new equipment that enhances her game, she begins to wonder if it is...
On a remote island in Southeast Asia, a team of scientists, studying the regenerative properties of the salamander, discovers what their Bangkok...
The 5th Execution
In a world where order has broken down, darkness reigns, forces are at work, and conspiracies abound. The son of a notorious drug cartel leader...
Go For Broke