Yuga movie revolves around Narrain (Nasser) who a scientist and his assistant Banu (Swarnamalya) are conducting a research on comets. By chance they...
Mamagaru is a 1991 Telugu-language drama film directed by Muthyala Subbaiah. It stars Dasari Narayana Rao, Vinod Kumar Alva and Yamuna in the main...
Madhavan (Dileep) is a clever thief who does robbery for a living. He is following the principles of his mentor Mullani Pappan (Mala Aravindan)....
Meesa Madhavan
Gopan is living with his 6 year old son Ashok. His neighbor Celin falls in love with him. But he reveals that Ashok's mom is alive and he narrates...
Kochu Kochu Santhoshangal
Preetham, a chef and a compulsive liar goes on a secretive, fun trip to Goa after getting engaged to his rich employer's only daughter.
Dil Rangeela
Varsha Menon (Charulatha) is a college lecturer who has a dark past. While a student she was molested by her professor. This still has an impact on...
Mazhanool Kanavu
A Tantric believes that by donating a virgin woman's head to gods crown, would bring down the universe to his feet. How the hero and heroine gets...
Govindha Govindha
Muthu and his disabled sister live with their grandmother and uncle Suseelan. Muthu's life takes a turn when he falls in love with a woman and meets...
Meerayude Dukhavum Muthuvinte Swapnavum
A girl who suffers from speech and hearing impairment falls in love with a poor man who is speech-impaired. Their lives turn upside down when her...
Oomappenninu Uriyadappayyan
A job monger, Shiva who ends up as a taxiwala only to realise his ride is a beyond what anyone can expect.
Suhasini, a divorced nurse, is the sole wage earner of her large family and navigates various struggles in her life. One day, she meets a novelist...
Manathil Uruthi Vendum