An experimental horror experience where the viewer is the protagonist. Directed by Kôji Shiraishi through POV, which makes the viewer feel as...
Zetsuosore Taikan Kimodameshi
Kaisei (Azuma Rin), who calls herself the "Masturbation Meister", is conducting a new research project to generate electricity from the energy ...
Genital experiment: power generation numb waist
A short film that was made in one day on an iPhone.
Koji Shiraishi's Declaration of World Domination
A sage-like psycho holds a seminar for young people who want to kill their enemies.
Murder Workshop
Shigeko, a bluff medium who has no inspiration at all, exorcises women who are in trouble because they are being sexually assaulted by spirits night...
Man hiraki heels: Onna no maken to jukujo no asoko
A bus is driving along a straight road in the quiet countryside. At a stop, a creepy cross-dresser with a shovel gets on board. He immediately...
Crazy Road of Love
A straight graduate student goes to the masturbation camp in the mountains held by the "gay masturbation charisma", where all sorts of masturbation...
The Ultimate Masturbation
In the room of the Story Hotel, Hina, who is wearing a blonde wig and a gothic lolita, is accused of having an M-shaped spread by Masukawa, the...
Sex Demon Human 2 : Ikinasai
A youth love story in which a veteran director of the pink movie, Tetsuya Takehora, picked up a megaphone and captured the woman's heart. Chinatsu,...
Seishun no sasakure: Bukiyô na shita tsukai
A sensual love story that depicts the whereabouts of love that two women with opposite personalities weave around one man. When I was a student,...
Otona no Doukyuusei
Makoto and Rage are high school classmates and are still close friends 10 years after graduation. Currently, Makoto is a serious office worker and...
Seishun riverside: Futari de ikou
Tomoki Hamasaki failed in job hunting after graduating from university. He was disappointed in the interview he received as a graduate. One day, when...
Yogari no mori: Hotetta onna-tachi
Asuka, who lost her father and mother due to a natural disaster, revisits the hot spring inn that they once visited. Asuka hears that there is a way...
Onsen jōwa: Yubune de momi gaeri
Natsumi, a housewife, has built a happy family with her husband, Yudai, who works for an advertising agency, and her only son, Nautical Mile, who is...
Tsuma-tachi no utage: Furin chitai
The forest where Tomoki Hamasaki, who encountered a restructuring and searched for a place to die, arrived. There were men working in forestry....
Sleeping Forest Michiko