Following the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley, which quickly devolves into an...
Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge
A reunion between 4 friends quickly goes awry when they find themselves face to face with Erzulie the swamp mermaid goddess.
The film tells a story of a divorced couple trying to raise their young son. The story follows the boy for twelve years, from first grade at age 6...
A resident of a suburban dystopia tries to reassemble his fragmented memories of life as a teen.
Scenes from the Suburbs
A tight-knit team of FBI investigators, along with their District Attorney supervisor, is suddenly torn apart when they discover that one of their...
Secret in Their Eyes
Two mismatched personal trainers' lives are upended by the actions of a new, wealthy client.
A grieving father in a downward spiral stumbles across a box of his recently deceased son's demo tapes and lyrics. Shocked by the discovery of this...
A woman finds a camera on a hike.
Enchanted Cove
Owing to a genetic mix-up involving stem cell research, the recently founded company Infinity Baby is able to offer a service for aspiring parents...
Infinity Baby
Lisa Conroy is general manager at a highway-side 'sports bar with curves', Double Whammies. She nurtures and protects her employees fiercely - but...
Support the Girls
Chad Buckley is a horror aficionado, and he's lonely. Chad spends his days at his struggling genre video store arguing with his only regular...
Scare Package
Inside a fruit themed burlesque bar, time and space take a backseat to poetry and proverb.
With Pleasure